The Red Pill Primer For Boys

By popular demand, the agents of the Red Pill Society have assembled an easy-to-understand guide to the Red Pill praxeology for teenage boys and men who are intrigued by Red Pill concepts and practices.  

These are in Google Presentation format, presented free of charge for the betterment of young men everywhere.

The Red Pill For Boys - Introduction To The Red Pill


  1. Where can we get parts 6-13?

    1. The parts are in the process of being put up. Seems to be one every few days.

    2. This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimonies. I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF OCT 2020, And I saw a marvelous testimonies of this powerful and great Doctor called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum. I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about Natural Enlargement Products. Nobody would have been able to influence me about Natural Enlargement Product not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my Penis to a Normal size which i was very ok to have(11inch) he ask if I want to increase it further more i told him am ok with this I have now, so I’m recommending y’all in same situation to contact DR AZIBA via Email: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and also Contact him on his whatsApp +2348100368288 I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire friends whom has also use your product.. And now I am a joyful man with my family. here is DR Email and WhatsApp contact below Email: & WhatsApp:+2348100368288

  2. Thank you for putting this together. I look forward to seeing how you suggest a young man navigate his way through consent and the aftermath.

  3. Nice work. Hope to see more.

  4. Nice work Ian, I'm from the the Philippines and it changed the way I look in my married relationship, I'm introducing the red pill also to my friends. Thank You!

  5. Awesome! Thanks for the info!

    When do you reckon you'll get part 13 up?

    1. I'm rewriting it in the wake of "Yes Means Yes". There's a lot of new ground there. I'll get it up ASAP.

    2. I have given parts 1 - 12 to my sons. Waiting on Chpt 13. Are there more chapters coming?

  6. This is great. I was considering narrating this in video form so people can listen to it at work, school, etc. Would you be okay with that? Link + all credit to you of course.

  7. Is this safe to view on Google, in regards to anonymity?

  8. This is some incredible material. Excellent work, and thanks for putting it all together.

  9. I wish I had this Primer in my early teens, my life would have taken a very different path. It's too late for my sons, but I intend to give this to my grandsons as a course in "Secret Mens' Business".
    My heartfelt thanks for your efforts.

  10. Excellent collection of information. Thanks for the effort and clarity. I look forward to reading more. Cheers from Toronto, Canada

  11. Some of it's interesting but there is some serious propaganda around feminist theory. You have no real understanding of it. Actual Quotes from feminists.. COMM'ON...Men, there are more intelligent papers out there. Women want to see their husbands, lovers and male friends achieve their deepest dreams and desires....feminism has a lot to teach us about self-liberation and love...this slide shows saddens's akin to Tom Cruise's Seduce and Destroy Speech from Magnolia.

    1. I've studied feminism in depth for over 20 years, from feminist theory from the 1848 Seneca Falls Conference to the Feminine Mystique to the eruption of the Third Wave. I know more about feminism than most feminists.
      Feminism has itself to blame for this turn of events. Feminism taught women to think of themselves in gendered terms after millennia of putting the common good ahead of themselves. It taught men to do the same, however. Feminism's goal was to get men to become more effeminate, to "redefine" masculinity to make it more useful to women. For some poor, miserable men that's just what they did.

      The rest of us have used the gift feminism has given us to redefine masculinity according to how men decide - without the needs, wants, or desires of women taken into account. But your words betray the thrust of your argument: "Women want to see their husbands, lovers, and male friends . . ." which is essentially putting the expectation of male behavior at the service of WOMEN.

      Feminism has taught us this is a mistake.

      Feminism has not acknowledged the great majority of men’s deepest dreams and desires involve having a lot of sex, either with an eager wife or a succession of attractive single women. Despite its rampant attacks on male sexuality, feminism still hasn't grokked the concept: getting laid is a primary motivating factor for men, far above and beyond a desire for companionship or emotional security. Therefore our motivations and our expression of masculinity involve this very important, commonly-held masculine goal.

      But feminism wants men's deepest dreams and desires to be congruent (if not identical) to feminism's, and the clearly-observable fact of the matter is that THEY DO NOT IN ANY WAY TAKE MEN'S GOALS AND DESIRES INTO ACCOUNT. Feminism has demonstrated a savage willingness to combat male desire by any means necessary in the name of "fighting sexism".

      This is why we're seeing feminism jump the shark. Two generations of cognitive disconnect on the matter of sexism, mating, consent, and love have eroded feminism's credibility with the VAST majority of men and severely crippled its appeal to women. The Red Pill and the Manosphere are conspiring to provide men with the tools that they need to realize and fulfill their "deepest dreams and desires" . . . which is the LAST thing feminists want.

      This is the result: a concerted effort to instruct an entire generation of boys in how to fight for their own happiness and fulfillment in an increasingly male-hostile world . . . because feminism. We're going to teach them Game in high school, encourage them to eschew marriage (especially to feminists - that's just asking for a divorce) and teach them the secrets of human mating that will allow them to callously plow through as many meaningless sexual affairs with women as they want.

      The goal of this initiative is to make boys into sly, cynical, sexually-aggressive cocky bastards who really could give a shit less about feminism's outrage. We're teaching boys to pursue their own masculine interests and goals, without considering if it serves femininity.

      Feminism thought that "male liberation" would involve women going to work full-time and men staying at home to clean and change diapers. It did not take into account that men may view liberation in radically different terms than women . . . that the "gender stereotypes" we want to break are those of social expectation of males. We don't want to make ourselves into good little Beta husbands ready to rescue some feminist after she's liberally enjoyed the fruits of the Sexual Revolution until she decides to dump our ass for a better deal. We want to play videogames, discuss philosophical concerns over beer with our peers, and get laid like a pimp.

      And there is absolutely no reason why we shouldn't. Thanks, feminism.

    2. LOLOLOL. ''To allow them to callously plow through as many meaningless sexual affairs with women as they want''. Does it not occur to you that to my Father's generation of MEN, you wouldn't rank as a pimple on their asses? There's more to life than getting laid, child, and it high time you discovered it. The world has been full of men who have put sex at the center of their universe and died because of it. The unbound male sex drive has always been destructive-just look at homosexual males who had no one around to tell them "no" during the AIDS epidemic, not to mention Syphillis and other Std's. Yeah, yeah, we have antibiotics, but nature will always build the better mouse trap. I suppose you'll next preach that the only reason we have ''modernity'' at all is because of the male desire to get laid.....

  12. Hey Ian,

    would there be any restrictions of a french version of this presentation?

    It would be posted on my blog. Although it might not have the same format (or editing) as a power point, it still is readable.

  13. Hope to see the rest soon, fantastic stuff here.

  14. Parents,

    This is not appropriate for young men at all due to the graphic pictures. My oldest son, nearing twelve years old, has already become aware enough to turn away from the "trash magazines" at the grocery store cash register, one time bringing cardboard slabs from boxes to cover them, we have even written to managers to protest the immodest pictures.

    We are trying to raise virtuous boys here. Please get rid of the inappropriate, provocative pictures if you are trying to sell these to Christian families or any family trying to raise young men of integrity, guarding their thoughts and struggling to keep their thoughts pure in the midst of a sex-saturated culture.

    Our twelve year old even has been known to tell his younger sister to go change clothes if he thinks her skirt may be too short....all the girls' clothese must be homemade because there is nothing out there that is appropriate for young ladies to wear once they are out of the preschool age group. We have spent too much time dressing our daughters in long skirts and dresses with long sleeves and other such things to then turn around and expose our sons deliberately to provocative pictures that will tempt them to impurity.

    A real man is a pure man.

    Correct these pictures and these graphic problems immediately.

    Thank you.

    1. If you think those "pictures" are inappropriate - what about the content? In a nutshell this presentation is about how you get laid.

      I'm sure that your angel of oldest son is already masturbating everyday to internet porn. You either give him the knowledge and show him how he can save himself and have an awesome teenage life or you "forbid" it. This however will result in extreme action from your children.

    2. My son is not allowed on the computer, is homeschooled and we are very frank and open with discussion on this subject. We talk almost daily about problems and this subject, far from being "unspeakable" in our house, is most definitely not forbidden. All the children know they can talk to us anytime about anything. They will always get an honest answer. Already we have discussed the struggle to keep pure so often I would be surprised if he didn't know.

      And the content is just as bad. This is pure filth and I am speaking in charity in telling you frankly that you are causing scandal. I mentioned pictures in particular because young men are most stimulated by sight.

    3. Honestly Anon, I think that the fact that your kid isn't allowed on the computer is going to be more damaging than anything else. Simply put, computer skills and internet skills are extremely important these days. Get him started early.

    4. The content is free and downloadable.

      Get the content, erase the images, and you're done.

      Stop whining like a little bitch.

  15. Having read now further, I believe it important to warn all parents that this will lead your boy straight down the path to sexual sin. This is straight from Satan himself.

    I am shocked that you would speak so graphically about these things in a book to young boys. You have taught them nothing about being men of virtue, simply of being men seeking an opportunity to become sexually involved without thought as to the repercussions. We are talking here about young men made up of both body and soul, and their souls are being cast right into Hell itself.

    What were you thinking?!

    Christian parents, especially Christian fathers, BEWARE. THIS MATERIAL IS DANGEROUS to your son's eternal soul.

    1. With all due respect to your religious traditions, one of the important things about the Red Pill is an understanding and acknowledgement of human sexuality. While I understand that this conflicts with some sects' perceptions of the universe, I have purposefully designed this series to be both provocative and engaging. Rejecting sexuality in general as a means to escape the realities of the sexual marketplace is a mainstay of many aescetic and mystical traditions, and as spiritual disciplines go they are worthy, if difficult pursuits.

      But we don't live in a culture in which asceticism has a place, any more. My guide was designed as practical information plainly stated for youth who are already inundated with sexual imagery and adult situations, not as a means toward spiritual purity. The images chosen were meant to be provocative and elicit an emotional response. They were not explicit (generally) or even necessarily lascivious, but the purpose was to inform and instruct a young man on sexuality, and trying to do that while ignoring the "boob factor" just doesn't work.

      One could also argue that Christianity has failed young men to the point where such pretensions to purity and embracing of ignorance about the reality of human sexuality in favor of a set of cultural standards designed to fit a semi-nomadic iron age primitive agriculture civilization has given the few boys who have attempted the modern Christian man's method of approaching marriage and sexuality. One only need look at the divorce statistics among church-going Christians to see its efficacy. Christianity had a 1000 year turn at bat, and while it excelled in many ways, it just isn't a sophisticated enough response to the complexities of post-industrial culture to be a meaningful guide without recourse to mysticism.

      All of that being said, I'm sympathetic with your position. If you find some nuggets of wisdom inside and wish to use them without the pictures, I empower you to do so. But the focus of the Primer is real honest-to-God practical instruction on post-industrial sexuality, not the idealized agricultural world the Bible projects. That world is gone, and while I applaud attempts to conserve it by those who believe in it passionately, for the vast majority of us we need the Straight Up Facts, uncluttered by mysticism.

      Men love idealistically. Women love opportunistically. This has been one of the failings of men in marriage for thousands of years. Attempting to codify that idealism and then force women to adhere to it against their nature when they have ways around your good-faith effort that they can and will use does no one any favors. Being aware of the nature of human sexuality to the point where such pitfalls can be identified and avoided does.

      I hope that helps.

    2. Here we are. There is no Satan. I'm sorry to disappoint you. The only way to "save" your children is to give them the knowledge slowly and carefully. Else they will always wonder what this "sex-topic" is about and the more you want to protect them from it, the more they WILL want it. Trust me.

    3. Actually, this doesn't help. You are basically tossing dirt into the faces of wives and mothers everywhere telling them that they are opportunistic. We have been taught from our earliest days that we are to give of ourselves and be self-sacrificing, and then when we do you continue to turn around and tell us we are opportunistic.

      If you are going to say this, then say that militant feminists are like this. Do not blanket-statement every woman in the world. Have you forgotten the myriad women who have borne their husband's children (sometimes many children), homeschool these children, cook meals each day, iron shirts and try to make a good home? You have just insulted a large portion of the female population (which seems to be your intent) and told us we are all rotten to the core. Why is that?

      Decent young women dress modestly so as to not tempt and provoke their brothers. They are sending a message that they respect themselves and others. A good hearted and decent young man will be attracted to virtue, purity and modesty. Don't tell me he isn't. If they decide to marry, they will marry on solid ground and it will be something that will last.

      I'm afraid I have found not one nugget of use in your materials. You are clearly very secular and I am disappointed, as your blog is linked to one that I trusted. I am quite disappointed that that individual would link a blog to his blog that will lead others to pornographic material.

    4. Ma'am you're describing good men and good women. However, the world is secular and people are very rarely good. The advice is that of the world we live in, not that of the world which we wish we lived in. I wish women dressed modestly and lived modestly and were like the ones you described. And I wish all men could commit with vigor and exclusivity and raise their children with a strong hand and a loving temperament. This is not the world we live in, it is the world which we hopefully may re-inspire. But in order to inspire human beings to their most virtuous we must acknowledge their most base. Sexuality is something that should be as you describe, but it is not. We are animals who are trying to remember how to be human. Idealism alone will not get us there, it must be accompanied by the hard realities.

  16. Not to change the subject or anything, but I'm looking forward to the next installment: "Consent." Is there a planned release date yet?

  17. Hey, I'm in high school and I really enjoy this presentation. I'm looking forward to part thirteen.

    1. Check out rationalmale too man

  18. Good stuff. Can't wait for the parts to come.

    /r/theredpill really helped me. It gave me the right vocabulary so I could understand why and how things worked around me. It gave everything context and opened my mind. It helped me understand.

    Thank you. I am so glad I came across it, all completely by random.

  19. Thanks for writing this. If I had known all this a long time ago, it would have saved me some trouble. I am a very late bloomer with mild Asperger's Syndrome and am very socially awkward (Not so much now as I began socializing more often). I am currently in college at the moment in my Senior year and am planning on graduating this May. So far, I've read parts 1-10 and can't wait for part 13.

  20. Hi, the more I read about "Yes Means Yes" the more it looks like the only possible way to avoid it is not to have sex (or even date) anywhere that has adopted the law. Which would probably make Part 13 the shortest of the lot...

  21. My twin boys are looking forward to the next chapter. Ian?

    And thanks for putting this together .

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  37. great lessons really useful

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  39. When will the consent part be coming out?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. It's been a long time. Don't know if the admin still updates the website.

    2. Still waiting for that last part too.

      Please admin, share the content!

  40. Hi! Give us the last primer.

  41. How do I get women to want to have sex and love me? I am 40 years old now, nothing I try works online dating doesn't either I'm not fat or ugly, my sister and brother are married but I am a loser I'm tired of no sex I live on the south side of chicago. looking for mentors or a woman who wants to bang (773) 445-4068

  42. Joseph Porter here still waiting for a response will anyone here teach women to love me and give me sex my email is let's kick it ladies

  43. This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimonies. I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF OCT 2020, And I saw a marvelous testimonies of this powerful and great Doctor called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum. I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about Natural Enlargement Products. Nobody would have been able to influence me about Natural Enlargement Product not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my Penis to a Normal size which i was very ok to have(11inch) he ask if I want to increase it further more i told him am ok with this I have now, so I’m recommending y’all in same situation to contact DR AZIBA via Email: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and also Contact him on his whatsApp +2348100368288 I am really short of expressions, and i don’t know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire friends whom has also use your product.. And now I am a joyful man with my family. here is DR Email and WhatsApp contact below Email: & WhatsApp:+2348100368288

  44. Thank you so much for doing this. I've been struggling for a way to introduce my 15 year old son to these truths without exposing him fully to the online environment. These are a boon to fathers in the modern world and I only regret they stopped at Rejection. Thank you again.

  45. I have tried all sort of drugs but no permanent cure but i am happy to say i was cured from herpes permanently 2 weeks ago..Erectile dysfunction was also cured..... He brought my lover back with his spiritual prayers..Thank you so much for this____________________ [[Robinsonbuckler11@ gmail com]]......................................

  46. Hello random person reading this. I understand that you are looking for purpose and how to find your way in the world. I can confidently tell you that this is not the answer. What is written in this presentation is not facts. It is opinions, dangerous opinions. That threaten to undermine any progress humanity as made. At the end of the day we are all people, we cannot be reduced in the way they are trying to through these ideas. I strongly recommend you talk to real women, your mother, your relatives, your classmates. Go out and live life and see how real people are struggling. Do not get lost going down this dangerous path it will only lead to division. Much love to you all and I wish you all the best

    1. that's a very nice sentiment but next to useless for anyone struggling with the problems this content is selling itself to solve. of course, yes you should be a productive, kind, thoughtful member of society with a diverse and compelling social life and have job that is stable and respectable.
      that being said, those things are not very related to romance / sex. the social skills in order to be as successful as possible in that are not totally foreign to that stuff but have some key differences that are very important. "just talk to your mother and relatives" yeah....okay. last time I checked I do not want romantic companionship and sexual intimacy with those people. the dynamic and relationship there is simply not the same and thus certain aspects must be handled differently. if those aspects that are different come easily to you, well good for you but that is not the case for the people who need help. and the help needed is specific and not just "go out and have a good vibe bro" or whatever after school special style slogan you wanna trot out.

  47. Live Impact News India is a dynamic and fast-paced platform delivering real-time updates on current affairs, politics, business, entertainment, sports, and technology across India. With a focus on accuracy and timely reporting, it ensures readers stay informed about the latest developments that impact their lives. The platform is committed to presenting unbiased and in-depth analysis of events, offering a mix of breaking news, exclusive interviews, and feature stories. Catering to diverse interests, it empowers citizens with insights into national and global trends, fostering awareness and engagement. Stay connected with Live Impact News India for comprehensive and impactful journalism.

  48. while there are more than zero good points of advice here, the writing style is abhorrent and all the little terms used are so embarrassing and idiotic to the point that it depresses me on the state of the human race on an intellectual and aesthetic level (not that there weren't mountains of reasons to prior.)

    seriously fellas, it's fine to dole out advice on how to be more successful in romance/sex life but please...stop with this pretentious drivel. all these corny little terms just breed this creepy cultish mentality instead of understanding the important parts of the information and knowledge and allowing your own mind to flourish in this field. Which, at the end of the day, leads to the greatest and most sustainable success possible. instead you have these little childish terms (one golden rule if a phrase, term, or acronym is good/worthwhile: if completely out of context it is useful, or if someone who is not in that field hears it, and it makes sense and is cool to them, then it should be used. if not, just use plain language.) that flood the dating advice world just set off so many alarm bells of any intelligent person: the scam artist, the cult leader, the con man garbage that all reek of bullshit...even if their broken clock could be right twice a day.

    seriously, get someone who gives advice in this field like a human being, actually speaks clearly, has true efficient info (most write like a middle schooler writing a book report on something they didn't read), and has a reasonable amount of accountability and reputation for the knowledge they are communicating. I've been watching a few people online such as Todd V, he has been helpful but like anything in life, do not take it as gospel, take everything you can from it and use it as building blocks for your own mind and mission.
