
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Manosphere: A New Hope for Masculinity cover

Just got the rough draft of the cover design for the book and I thought I'd throw a low-res version up here for comment.

Front cover design

It's hard to see at this rez, but the black letters in the Mars sign say "XY-XY-XY".

Tentative release date (dependent upon a number of factors including approval from Adam & Eve editors) is set for December 9th.  Which means that when the rough is done and ready for comment, there will only be a week or so for revisions before press date.  Of course, that date CAN be moved . . . but I'd love to get it out by then. Not only is it in time for Christmas, but that's both my eldest son's and Papa Ironwood's birthday -- the two most important men in my life. This book is dedicated to them.  Even if I won't let my 13 year old read it yet.

Here is the proposed copy for the "back cover" promotional blurb.

Welcome To The Manosphere.
Have A Cigar.

The Manosphere is a loose collection of hundreds of blogs focused on male issues and masculine interests.  A relatively recent phenomenon, author, blogger, porn reviewer and sex nerd Ian Ironwood introduces you to this seething section of the blogosphere where a vitally important debate is happening between men, about men, for men, and by men as men.  As feminist authors declare the End of Men, seeing them as the weaker sex in today’s socioeconomic climate, the men they’ve written off are beginning to gather and discuss the current crisis in masculinity with renewed interest in their traditional masculine past and with their eye on the future of men in our culture.. 

It has been forty years since feminism began its assault on male interests and masculinity, and while it has been a productive ideology for women, feminism has not, as The Manosphere makes clear, done much positive for men, and is responsible for a lot of negatives in our culture.  If feminism foresaw the need for a reassessment of masculine cultural memes in the formative 1960s, this is the belated result.  But feminists are not going to be happy.

In the Manosphere regular, ordinary men are reconsidering what it means to be male in the 21st century and formulating a new approach to life, sex and gender that often ignores feminism or actively sees it as an obstacle to gender relations.  Armed with the anonymity of the internet and access to resources and open discussion with other men, the Manosphere is linking thousands of men around core topics of masculine concern, including women, sex, economics, religion, social justice, education, children, marriage, family and divorce. 

Designed to be both an introduction and a survey for the man new to the dirty snowball of the ‘Sphere, The Manosphere: A New Hope for Masculinity explores both the blogs where men are redefining what it means to be male and the greater ailing culture of Western masculinity attempting to redefine itself in a post-industrial, post-feminist landscape.  The men of the new millenia are exploring the meaning of "male liberation" -- but don't expect a sudden surge of male aprons and househusbands to sprout.  Within the Manospere, a “liberated” man is free from the social expectations and cultural obligations traditionally associated with the gender.  Free, in short, from the psychological oppression of feminism as it has evolved.

Encompassing the diverse masculine groups including Pick Up Artists (PUAs), Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs), Wise Old Men (WOMs), and Old Married Guys (OMGs), both the overthrown Patriarchy and the snarky, rude, irreverent and openly-disrespectful-of-women Puerarchy, the Manosphere is a common ground where all men find help in their struggles -- particularly their struggle against a society where being male is often treated as either a crime or a medically-treatable condition.  The Manosphere: A New Hope for Masculinity seeks to take an androcentric look at recent history in gender relations and the future ahead – a future where men work for their own interests, toward their own goals, without judgment or condemnation . . . and more and more commonly without any desire or intention to marry.  

Is this the beginning of a new social trend of self-awareness and the pursuit of masculinity?  Just how are the men of the 21st century contending with the problems of sex, love, relationships, mating, dating, marriage and divorce?  How are reproductive rights viewed through a male perspective?  How has Game changed the way the Sexual Market Place works?  How is 50 Shades of Grey indicative of a deep disturbance in the “Force” of feminism?  Just what, exactly, is the Red Pill . . . and why is it known as the “female Viagra”?  And what will the Manosphere mean for men of the 21st century and the women who love them?

Join Ironwood as he takes you on a testosterone-laden journey into the mind of modern man . . . and through the looking glass of the masculine soul as seen by The Manosphere.

Questions, comments, insights?


  1. Looks great, but that's very long for a back cover blurb. You could do the "inside flap" thing where half of that is one the inside flap of the front cover and half is on the inside flap of the back cover. If you did it this way, on the back I suggest a small blurb and then something using the idea/imagery of taking the Red Pill, or something like "see how far down the rabbit hole goes"

  2. If it makes it out for Christmas, I'm going to be giving a lot of copies away as presents. Sometimes anonymously.

  3. Very nice. Can't wait to read it!

    Will it be released electronically too?

  4. If it's within the budget and timeframe, have do the entire design. Her ebook work is excellent and can do serious (positive) damage in the way of higher conversions and design aesthetics.

  5. The blurb will likely get edited down by about 100-200 words, because that's the space Kindle gives you and that's going to be the primary launch, but there will be a POD option. After it's in the can, we'll explore other distribution channels, but considering the market domination of Kindle, it ain't a bad route to go to start.

    1. Barnes and Noble I've got a nook and an iPad so I can read both, but I really love the nook.

  6. I'm pumped for the book. We'll see if it takes over as the anonymous gift I give at every wedding I attend (I'm looking at you Athol.)

  7. Awesome.

    Will you be handing out review copies? I'll happily review the book for my blog.

  8. I'll add you to the list.
    And it doesn't replace Athol's book, it promotes it.

  9. Looks good. One hopefully constructive comment: I'd change "while it has been a productive ideology for women" to "while it has *arguably* been a productive ideology for women". Cos I know women who don't see feminism in a wholly positive light.

  10. Simplify: image too complex and title too long.

  11. i don't like the cover. looks like an amateur made it in 30 minutes using paint.

    1. Agreed. If this blog is any indication, I'm sure the book will be good. It deserves a real cover.

  12. Fred Flange, In A Silent WayNovember 21, 2012 at 12:56 PM

    Be prepared for a bit of push-back upon release - which I will now help push-push back. 1) If feminism were 100% controlling as is sometimes represented, Barack Obama would not be President. Hillary would be. The ERA would have been passed decades ago. "Sexual conduct codes" like the famous Antioch rules would be universal, rather than laughed at, and PUAs would be routinely arrested for approaching women without their consent. There would be none of the crazy anti-birth control laws and vaginal probe/rapey-rapey talk we saw and are still hearing in certain Red State legislatures.

    2) Because there are two feminisms: equity feminism and gender feminism. Equity feminism is: everyone votes, everyone has personal bodily integrity, everyone has opportunity to do the same work for the same pay if you have the same talent. Which is not going away. The haterz will try to trap you into saying you're trying to "repeal" all that: bring back the 50's, take voting rights and personhood away, let the State decide who should give birth, who should be aborted, and who should be allowed to fuck, since the Party knows best what is good for the People. Don't fall for it.

    (I am not the first to note that the anti-birth control stuff, far from empowering men again, will enslave them even more readily; no PUA can afford to be hit up with child support orders for all the sprogs generated without his say-so by the outlawing of Jimmy Hats, IUD's and pills).

    3) Then there is gender feminism: all women good, all men bad, cis-gendered people are the Oppressors, evolutionary psych is The Cake (i.e., it's a lie), attachment psych is the shit, divorce theft, petri-dish Aryan designer babies with no dads, the SMP according to The Frisky and, and all Good Men should be Project-ing as good beta herbs, except when they shouldn't, and We'll Let You Know.

    Looks to me like your book, as is the more intelligent side of the Manosphere, is really concerned with the latter. Focus on that, and you will be OK. Which as a regular reader I see you do already (i.e., your election piece). Looking forward to publication.

    1. You are exactly correct, and in the forward I take great pains to point out that the Manosphere generally saves its ire for the genocidal ideas of gender feminism, not the practical and necessary adaptations of our society implicit in equity feminism. But then when most women don't know the difference, and are eager to push back because someone is attacking "feminism", they protect their batshit crazy sisters in their ultimate plan to construct a giant Deballatron 5000 or something equally sinister. Part of the point of the book is to separate gender and equity feminists.

      Excellent analysis.

    2. "1) If feminism were 100% controlling as is sometimes represented, Barack Obama would not be President. Hillary would be."

      Lol. You think so? Women vote for the candidate they want to fuck. They treat elections like male beauty pageants. Ask them,they'll tell you,though not in so many words. Why do you think Kennedy got elected instead of Nixon when they went toe-to-toe? Hmm? How many women want to fuck Hillary Clinton? I imagine even a lot of lesbos wouldn't touch her with your dick.

      "The ERA would have been passed decades ago." Phyllis Schafly,only reason it wasn't. If it had been Phil Schafly, "he" would have been told to sit down and shut the fuck up.

      "Sexual conduct codes" like the famous Antioch rules would be universal, rather than laughed at, and PUAs would be routinely arrested for approaching women without their consent."

      Wait a few years,then get back to me.

      "There would be none of the crazy anti-birth control laws and vaginal probe/rapey-rapey talk we saw and are still hearing in certain Red State legislatures."

      Uh-huh, and how did that work out for Todd Akin?

      "2) Because there are two feminisms: equity feminism and gender feminism."

      HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh,my dear sir. Bless your heart for being so taken in. You know why there's "two feminisms"? Because there has to be. Here's how it works, we open the door for nice,sweet,pretty "Equity Feminism",then she opens it for her ugly sister DickChopathon Feminism while we aren't looking. It's a ruse,man. Wake up and smell the castration. You've seen them do it in YOUR OWN LIFETIME several times, you just didn't know that's what they were doing.

      There is no such thing as "different kinds of feminism", there is The Sisterhood, and then That Which Is Not The Sisterhood,i.e.,The Enemy. Read some of those goddamned mommy blogs if you don't believe me. Do you really think that any group of people which relentlessly enforces THAT level of conformity is going to allow for "different kinds of feminism"? Does that make sense,that they would enforce strict conformity on the most trivial issues but allow for individuality on one of the most important (for a sexist woman,i.e.,most women)? You've got to use the EXACT same kind of diapers as every other woman and carry them in THE EXACT SAME bag, but it's okay to be a feminist in any way you choose? You've got to be shitting me.

      Even after attaining a level of understanding impossible to many men, you still have a lot to learn.

  13. Can't wait! I agree that the cover needs simplifying. Good luck getting this to press.

  14. Looking good, I have my first book coming out via createspace around the same time. Isn't the back cover slightly too long?

  15. I'd also like a review copy please. As one of the WOM's as my readers call me, I think I could bring a unique perspective to a review.

  16. Oh, this could be epic. I'll plug the book once it comes out.

  17. I've been very much enjoying the quality of your writing for some time now, Mr. Ironwood. In addition to what I can learn from it, I take a fair amount of interest in the Manosphere from an academic perspective, so I can certainly state that I look forward to reading this book with a high degree of excitement.

    I plan to review it at If its as good as your blog writing (no reason to believe that it won't be better) it'll get my highest recommendation.

    If it sucks, I'll be sure to let everyone know.


  19. The cover is poor. Hire an artist to design the cover. Needs more visual appeal.

  20. I was just reading something Roosh wrote that said a cover should look good as an amazon thumbnail, because that's how most of your potential readers are going to see it (As a "Customers who bought(this book they're looking at) also bought (Your book)." How does that look as a thumbnail? Looks like the text would get kinda smooshed.

    Just a thought, since the book looks really good and I'd like to see it do well. If I had a blog I'd review it, but I don't so I'll simply be buying it when it comes out.

  21. I gotta tell you, that is one ugly cover. Get someone with some graphic skills to help you out.

  22. Don't panic -- that was a concept. I've hired an artist. And Roosh does have a point about the thumbnail. Maybe lose the words and go with the central "Mars" image? But I also like the atom symbol with the red pill in the center. More comments and suggestions are welcome. These have been great.

    1. Here's the Roosh's post you are reffering to:

  23. The cover is indeed everything. Spend $100 to get it right. Looking forward to reading the book and hearing the fems screech.

  24. Blurb wise, the "What is game", "How are mean dealing with", etc. technique you use is shockingly effective. I've seen it done before but never quite that well. I hope that survives the editing process, as it's nicely done.

  25. Yea, that cover looks awful, but you obviously know that by now. As a concept it seems like it could look pretty good

  26. I'd cut out some of the abbreviations such as MGTOWs, WOMs, OMGs, MRAs, shit like that. A reader just looking at your book will have no idea what they are

  27. Glad this book is approaching the finish line.

  28. looking forward to this. i'll def link it.

  29. I hope this book does well enough that you can afford the therapy you need. In the meantime, you ought to stay away from the women who frighten you so much. And men? You're clearly a weakling who can't do anything without blaming women, and you fear a real man will beat the hell out of you, so you ought to stay away from them, too.

    I agree, the art sucks. But keep it - it will serve as a warning that the book sucks.

  30. The cover is pretty ugly. It's too busy looking and 99% of the people looking at the book are not going to recognize acronyms like OMGs, MGTOWs, MRAs, WOMs.

    Having said that, it's clear that you're a talented writer so I will be looking forward to the book.

  31. Congrats.

    You got some attention on a CBS owned website:

    It's wasn't flattering though.

  32. Wait I fucked up the link:

    Here is the right link:

  33. Kind of a shame they didn't wait until your book was out to post that.

  34. You are right about today sexual issue how man suffered with his sexual life and how he lose his strength. It all happen only because today changed lifestyle. But we have solution for it we can handle this problem on a point we need to care about our body. Male Sex Pill

  35. Sounds to be a bunch of blogs and have the effect of link pharm...


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